5 Things You Need to Know About Being a Salon Owner.. TEAM EDITION!
“Just Keepin it 100%
Nina Tulio
Leading a team of people is the absolute HARDEST part of being an owner. But guess what. It IS THE MOST rewarding too.
Your job as a leader is to create a safe, nurturing, inclusive, environment where people can grow, feel appreciated, valued, seen and heard.
Don’t get me wrong the financial side is important too. We need to feel confident in the numbers.
But without a strong foundation, core values and leadership. It will make it that much harder for you to grow and create a successful, sustainable salon biz.
1. No One will Ride harder for your business than you. And It’s unfair to put that expectation on your team. Yes you want them to be invested and rise to the standard but it’s not their business to worry about.
2. The longer you keep a toxic person in your salon. The sooner the team will lose trust in you and you leadership. trust me on this one. I have been there done that.
3. If you do not train and on-board your team members fully. You cannot get upset with them for not showing up and rising to the standard of your business. You have to invest in them and their training on order for them to fully understand who you are and what you stand for.
4. If you are not utilizing 40% of your time to coach your team. Your business is not growing. Coaching sessions are essential for growth. Monthly and even weekly pow wows.
5. If you want to have a successful salon business. The team comes first before the client. Investing in your team is the absolute best investment you can and will ever make. The days of OH… I will invest in them but they will just leave anyway. It’s hard I get it. But it’s your job to invest in them from the very beginning. It’s part of being an owner.
Looking to learn more from Nina? Check out Make That Money course for suite owners/renters. And in my Synergy course for commission owners.
Join us from 12PM- 5PM at the Surety Hotel on Des Moines on May 5th, 2025. Lunch is included. This session is open to COMMISSION/hybrid salon owners and their managers. Or independents looking to hire a W2 employee in the near future.